Marketing resources hub - Infographics | Campaign Monitor Email marketing tips, growth hacks, industry updates, and more from Campaign Monitor's email marketing experts. Thu, 02 May 2024 19:33:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Campaign Monitor 144 14 Email marketing tips, growth hacks, industry updates, and more from Campaign Monitor's email marketing experts. 19a9e5 How Relationship Marketing Can Power You from New Customer Discovery to Creating Loyal Brand Advocates Tue, 14 Mar 2023 12:38:37 +0000 The post How Relationship Marketing Can Power You from New Customer Discovery to Creating Loyal Brand Advocates appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

The post How Relationship Marketing Can Power You from New Customer Discovery to Creating Loyal Brand Advocates appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

6 Elements of an Effective Event Invitation Email Campaign Mon, 29 Jul 2019 13:00:14 +0000 // When creating your next invite, don't forget these 6 elements.

The post 6 Elements of an Effective Event Invitation Email Campaign appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Article originally published January 2017, updated July 2019.

You have an event coming up, and you need all the attendees you can get. But how do you get people in seats? Which elements of an email invitation compel people to convert? Take a look at the six key elements of an effective event invitation email so you can get attendees to your next event using email marketing.

And don’t forget to look at our compilation of invite emails you can learn from. Our list provides insight into invite emails you can emulate for all your upcoming conferences, banquets, and more.

Event invitation Email Campaign Infographic

6 elements of a successful event invite

In order to get the maximum amount of awareness and attendees from your event invitation email, try including these six different elements in the campaign.

1. A targeted list

Segment your lists using features like geolocation segments and only send the campaign to those who are able to actually attend. You’ll receive fewer unsubscribes and higher open, click-through, and response rates as a result.

2. Value proposition

Include a value proposition that clearly outlines what the event is and the benefits of attending. This will increase people’s motivation and compel them to click-through and purchase tickets or RSVP.

3. A detailed description of the event

Include a detailed description of the event. You should aim to answer questions potential attendees might have, such as:

  • What will happen at the event?
  • What will they learn?
  • Whom they will see or hear from, etc.
  1. Time, location & other event details

Include any relevant details about the event that people might need to know. If it’s a physical event, this could include:

  • The time
  • The location
  • Dress code
  • Parking details
  • Transportation, etc.

Alternatively, if it’s a virtual event like a demo or webinar, then make sure to include:

  • URLs
  • Access codes
  • Dial-in numbers
  • Login details, etc.
  1. Social proof

Include elements of social proof like testimonials from previous attendees, expert reviews, or even attendee numbers from your last event to reduce anxiety and reassure readers it’ll be worth their time and money.

6. A prominent CTA button

Include a prominent call to action button that links to a registration or ticketing process. Tools like Eventbrite make it easy to do this, and even if the registration and ticketing process is arbitrary, it will help increase the chances of people showing up at your event.

Wrap up

Having an optimized event invitation email campaign is essential to the overall success of your event. So, when creating your next event invite, make sure it includes each of the six vital elements we discussed:

  • A targeted list
  • Value proposition
  • A detailed description of the event
  • Event details
  • Relevant social proof
  • A prominent call to action

Ready to take your next email event invite to the next level? Check out some real-world examples to help get the creative juices flowing.

Already a pro at event invitations? No problem. Check out our video from CMO Shane Phair, which outlines three steps you can take to improve your event emails. This quick video is a great way to take your successful strategy and elevate it even more.

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Countdown Timer Preflight Checklist And Best Practices Fri, 26 Jul 2019 19:45:01 +0000 // Here’s everything you need to know about using a countdown timer to create a sense...

The post Countdown Timer Preflight Checklist And Best Practices appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Create a sense of urgency in your email and watch as your subscribers engage with and act on your campaign. Here’s everything you need to know about using a countdown timer to create a sense of urgency.

Infographic showing preflight checklist when using a countdown timer, as well as countdown timer best practices. Read on to see a transcript of this graphic.

Preflight checklist for emails with a countdown timer

Use this checklist to make sure your urgency-driving email is perfect before you hit send.

  • Check that the timer’s expiration date is correct.
  • Is the expiration date clearly written so subscribers with screen readers know what expires, and when?
  • Make sure your CTA is located right below or near the timer with strong, clear copy.
  • Double-check the expiration date one more time.
  • Schedule your mailing to begin sending no less than 24 hours ahead of the expiration time to give your subscribers adequate time to see and respond to the email by the time the countdown expires.
    Using send time optimization or time zone sending? Account for these features in your expiration date.
  • If you’ve built an A/B test that has countdowns in both emails, make sure you’ve double-checked the expiration in both emails.

Best practices for using countdown timers in email

1. Drive urgency with care. Don’t use a timer in every email to avoid sounding gimicky. That sense of urgency will quickly become ignorable.

2. Be clear. Be crystal clear about what event or deadline the countdown is ticking toward.

3. Keep your timer above the fold. Because you only emphasize urgency when you really mean it, your countdown is important enough to stay front and center.

4. Keep your CTA close by and make it strong. Because urgency results in an increased click-through rate, you’ll want a strong call to action in close proximity to the timer.

Make converting as simple as possible for your subscribers.

5. Don’t mix your messages. Don’t overwhelm your subscribers with too many dynamic elements.Keep everything else simple.

6. Test, test, test. Testing is key to optimizing your emails. A/B test to prove the value of implementing a countdown timer in your emails.

Introducing Countdown Timer from Campaign Monitor

Countdown Timer is Campaign Monitor’s live-updating timer that you can add directly to your emails in the drag-and-drop email builder.

Best of all, adding Countdown Timer to a campaign is simple, quick, and requires no coding. Available to all customers on the Unlimited and Premier plans.

The post Countdown Timer Preflight Checklist And Best Practices appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

The Ultimate Email Marketing Personalization Checklist Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:00:50 +0000 // Email personalization increases engagement and results for marketers.

The post The Ultimate Email Marketing Personalization Checklist appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Email marketing is one of the most effective and profitable marketing channels as far as ROI ($44 for every $1 spent) goes. One of the factors that make email so powerful is that it allows for high levels of personalization.

That’s why we’ll be looking at the ultimate email marketing personalization checklist today.

But first, what is email marketing personalization?

Email marketing personalization explained

Personalization in email marketing means more than just slapping the recipient’s name in the salutation. Email marketing personalization is all about addressing each recipient as an individual. Yes, it includes mentioning them by name but goes beyond that by offering relevant content and a unique experience to each of your subscribers.

How do you achieve that?

Data is your main tool.

In order to create relevant content for your readers, you need to get as much information as you can about them this is information such as:

  • First name
  • Past behavior on your site
  • Geographical location
  • Purchase history

The data you need to create a personalized experience for your customer depends mainly on your product, business model, and your marketing goals. However, the more you know about your customer, the better your email marketing personalization strategy will be.

If possible, make sure to collect as much data as possible from your customers when they sign up to make it easier for you to run personalized campaigns.

List segmentation is key.

Using the data you have, segment your email list. Segmentation simply means grouping customers with similar attributes together. For instance, you could segment your list according to location, gender, or browsing history. You should use advanced segmentation whenever possible and use multiple attributes to refine your segments for better targeting and higher personalization levels.

Segmentation is a great way to create content that is relevant to your subscribers without having to tailor an email for each individual customer.


Email marketing personalization is impossible to pull off without automation. Whether you have a small list or a large one, there are too many moving parts involved in running a successful campaign for you to manage manually.

This is why one of your best investments when it comes to email marketing is an automation platform like Campaign Monitor that will empower you to scale your email marketing efforts.

The importance of personalization

When asked to prioritize one capability that will be most important to marketing in the future, 33% of marketers answered “personalization.”

Furthermore, 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement, and that they see an average increase of 20% in sales when using personalized experiences.

That’s why we partnered with the crew at Moveable Ink to create the Ultimate Email Marketing Personalization Checklist to help empower marketers to use the power of personalization to reach humans, not just inboxes.

Email Personalization Checklist

The ultimate email marketing personalization checklist

Let’s dig deeper into this personalization checklist.

Step 1: Create your personalization strategy.


Create email content based on your subscriber’s recent behavior.


Display content based on your subscriber’s local weather.


Try adding your subscriber’s name to an image to get their attention.


Use your subscriber’s location to create helpful reminders, no matter where they live.

Step 2: Review each part of your email.

Subject line
  • Grammar: Check that the grammar is correct and the personalization makes sense in the context of the subject line.
  • Fallbacks: Set up default text in case you don’t have the data on file.
  • Length: Optimize the length of your subject line with the preview pane in mind.
  • Length: Check length to ensure readability on all devices.
  • Fonts: If you’re using a new or different font with your header personalization, make sure it jives with the rest of your email content.
  • Testing: Use a tool like Litmus for testing.

Testing: If you’re using advanced personalization like content based on your subscriber’s behavior, for example, test multiple variations.

  • Grammar: Check for grammar, spelling, and all of that fun stuff.
  • Conversions: Make sure your personalized content drives people to click your call-to-action.
  • Tracking: Include tracking links so you know if your personalization was effective.
  • CTA copy: Make your CTA copy compelling.
  • Links: Make sure your links lead to the right places.
  • Clarity: The CTA should be clear and easy to find.

Step 3: Check off all these final (and vital) steps.

Check data fields.

Do you have all the data you need for each personalized field? Your personalization is only as good as your data, so double-check your fields to be sure. The last thing you want is an Fname – or worse, an expletive – to appear in your personalized field.

Include fallbacks.

Prepare fallback content for any field that may not be populated. Fallback content should be email content that can be applied to any of your subscribers.

Optimize your send time.

Bad timing could jeopardize your otherwise perfectly personalized email.

Design review.

Remember to test multiple name lengths, special characters, and the alignment of your personalized copy and images. The more eyes the better, so send yourself and a colleague a test email.

Create an A/B test.

Send one email with personalization and one without. It’s the best way to measure your personalized email strategy.

Ensure it’s responsive.

Does it look good on desktop and mobile? Double-check all of the above across all devices.

Wrap up

Personalization plays a major role in running email campaigns that your customers find relevant and irresistible when it comes to clicking the all-important call-to-action.

In order to help you master email marketing personalization, we have created a ton of resources to help you. One you definitely need to check out is our article 7 Must-Know Email Personalization Tactics.



The post The Ultimate Email Marketing Personalization Checklist appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

How a Well-Crafted Email Strategy is Just Like a Cocktail Fri, 19 Jul 2019 20:15:09 +0000 // See how crafting an email strategy is like mixing up a bar favourite.

The post How a Well-Crafted Email Strategy is Just Like a Cocktail appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Email is like a classic cocktail: Despite the occasional upgrade, it’s still the same reliable recipe people love.

See how crafting your email strategy is like mixing up a bar favourite.

Marketing & Mixology infographic that compares an email strategy to a cocktail: how crafting an email strategy is like making a cocktail. This is part of the Campaign Monitor event in Sydney, Australia.

Ingredient 1: Relevant content

The base of any good cocktail is the alcohol, and the base of your email strategy is relevant content (e.g. articles, recommendations, and copy targeting subscribers).

Pro-tip: Your email should always deliver value: information, discounts, education, etc.

Did you know?

  • 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 81% of content marketing leaders put content at the core of marketing. (Skyword)

Ingredient 2: Personalisation

Relevant content doesn’t quite fill the glass. Personalisation is a great mixer, because it uses data about your subscribers and tailors your content to their needs.

Pro-tip: You can personalise your emails with: behaviour, location, and past purchases.

Did you know?

  • Transaction rates are 6x higher for personalised emails. (Experian)
  • Personalised email marketing generates a median ROI of 122%. (SmallBizTrends)

Ingredient 3: Automation

The final touches elevate any cocktail, and automation turns an average email program into an efficient revenue stream.

Pro-tip: You can automate with these types of campaigns: welcome series, nurture tracks, and re-engagement journeys.

Did you know?

  • 75% of email revenue is generated by triggered campaigns. (DMA)

You may feel lost on how to craft a perfect email strategy, but it’s actually a pretty simple recipe.

This post is a part of Campaign Monitor’s Marketing & Mixology series. Check out these other pieces in the series:

  1. Are Personalised Emails Enough?
  2. Why Relevant Content Is the Base of Your Email Marketing
  3. Scale Your Business with These 3 Automation Strategies
  4. Infographic: How a Well-Crafted Email Strategy is Just Like a Cocktail

The post How a Well-Crafted Email Strategy is Just Like a Cocktail appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Do This, Not That to Create Effective Customer Journeys Mon, 15 Jul 2019 18:50:22 +0000 // Creating effective customer journeys doesn't have to be difficult if you follow these simple guidelines.

The post Do This, Not That to Create Effective Customer Journeys appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Article originally published March 2018, updated July 2019.

Many of today’s savvy marketers are setting up effective, personalized customer journeys. These journeys nurture customers into a lasting relationship with your brand. Once created, customer journeys send automated emails based on triggers defined in your ESP.

To make sure you are engaging your customers with journeys, rather than scaring them off, make it a point to follow these “do this, not that” guidelines.

To make sure you are engaging your customers with journeys, rather than scaring them off, make it a point to follow these “do this, not that” guidelines.

Do this, not that!

Want to lead subscribers into a great relationship with your brand? Email marketing is one of the best channels for creating stellar customer journeys. However, there is an art and a science to getting it right.

Follow these tried-and-true tactics to create an effective customer journey that keeps subscriber and customers engaged.

What to do to create an effective customer journey

To create an effective customer journey, keep these facts in mind:

Automate your messages: B2C marketers who leverage automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%. Email automation1 ensures you send the right messages to the right subscribers, at the right time.

Send a welcome message: Show your subscribers some love by sending them a welcome message the moment after they subscribe. Go the extra mile by including an exclusive welcome offer for discounts to your products and services.

Use a double opt-in option: Double opt-in requires subscribers to confirm their email address so you can verify they are real, and they want to hear from you. It’s the perfect way to keep your list clean and your customers happy.

Use dynamic content: Using dynamic content to personalize your messages for different customer profiles allows you to deliver relevant information based on gender, location, weather patterns, and more.

Invest in a re-engagement series: A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%.2 Look for creative and data-driven ways to re-engage inactive subscribers.

Segment your lists: Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue.3 Take the time to build different customer profiles and create relevant content for each list.

Allow subscribers to set their preferences: Let subscribers control their own customer journey by allowing them to select how often they want to hear from you and which newsletters they want from your brand.

A/B test your content:  You never know what your audiences like until you ask them. You have the option to A/B test your copy, images, offers, and more to ensure you are providing the best option to your subscribers.

What not to do when creating an effective customer journey

With every must-do list comes a list of things you must not do, and when it comes to creating an effective customer journey, marketers should not:

Send every subscriber the same mass email at random times: With so many simple options to automate and personalize messages for your subscribers, mass emails are a tactic of the past.

Leave your subscribers hanging: When subscribers opt-in to your list, it means they want to hear from you regularly. Include new subscribers on automated messages such as product offers, company newsletters, and any other content relevant to their personal needs.

Forget special occasions: The rules for making anyone feel special are simple – don’t forget to mention important dates. Email your subscribers with offers on their birthday, anniversary, and even their subscriber date anniversary.

Overdo your content: Keep your email copy short and sweet. Write simple copy for different subscriber groups and only send information relevant to each group.

Hassle unsubscribers: Once someone has unsubscribed from your list, it’s time to leave them alone. You’ll be better off investing your marketing efforts in customer loyalty.

Forget to integrate your email provider with other data tools: The more data you can collect on your customers, the more opportunities you’ll have to personalize your content and create awesome customer journeys.

Wear out your customers: Email fatigue is real, and you don’t want to be the brand guilty of showing up in the inbox too often. Pay attention to your email provider analytics to see how your customers are responding to your outreach efforts.

Set it and forget it: With automation, it’s tempting to never revisit your campaign triggers. Remember to look at your data and consider ways to review and improve your automation strategy.

Wrap up

Short, sweet, and to the point! Follow these guidelines when creating your next customer journey, and it should go nice and smooth. Remember to keep a few points in mind, such as:

  • Welcome your new subscribers
  • Allow them to choose their preferences
  • A/B test for success
  • Never hassle unsubscribers
  • Never set it and forget it

Ready to amp up your customer journeys? Then check out our guide to creating customer journeys that convert like gangbusters!

The post Do This, Not That to Create Effective Customer Journeys appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

How Digital Media Publishers Are Boosting Web Traffic with Email Marketing Fri, 12 Jul 2019 14:08:08 +0000 // How digital marketers and publishers grow their readership, attract subscribers, and drive revenue.

The post How Digital Media Publishers Are Boosting Web Traffic with Email Marketing appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Article originally published January 2017, updated July 2019,

When social networks started appealing to users more and more, marketers saw them as the cure-all for driving traffic, and for some time, social media was the biggest referral source of a publisher’s content.

That was until users got used to the novelty of social media and grew tired of seeing sponsored ads in their feed. Users bought into the idea of making their feeds more personal and private by using ad blockers and other software to eliminate notifications from brands they didn’t care to see in their feeds.

Some of the biggest problems people have with social media are actually easily solved by one of the oldest and more efficient marketing channels. Yes, email.

Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

Why email is every publisher’s hero

So what makes email the best option for driving traffic to your content as a publisher?

Email is direct.

One of the weaknesses of social media is that as much as you can try and target an audience, your message won’t go directly to your customers. It simply goes into their rather crowded feeds where it can be easily missed. An email, on the other hand, lands directly into your customer’s inbox where chances of it being seen, opened, and read are quite high.

Email is personal.

As much as you can tailor your social media posts to relate to your target audience, it’s not easy to personalize your message to the degree that you can with email.

Email affords you the ability to create highly personalized messages that compel the reader to engage with and take action. In fact, data suggests that emails with personalized subject lines have a 26% higher open rate than those that aren’t personalized.

Email is the preferred communication channel.

Despite social media channels having their novelty, when it comes to serious business, your customers still prefer that you communicate with them via email. One of the reasons could be that they don’t want to miss your updates. After all, it’s easier to find an email in an inbox than it is to find a social media post in a feed.

Social networks are making it harder and harder to drive traffic to your sites, but email marketing continues to prove its value. We can help with a marketing strategy to grow your readership, attract subscribers, and drive revenue—a larger bottom line is the name of the game.

Digital Media

Check out email marketing for digital media and our guide to see how Campaign Monitor can help take your engagement to the extreme.

Hey digital media, it’s time to get your traffic back.

2016 started off strong, but with new algorithms, ad blockers, and plummeting page views, the year ended on a sour note for digital publishers – because it was harder and harder to drive traffic to their content sites.

But then came email marketing to the rescue.

In the beginning of the year the trend was up.

Facebook drove the highest percentage, Google was close behind.

  • Facebook – 41.4%
  • Google – 39.5%

Some publishers saw 75% or more of their social traffic coming from Facebook. (Yowza)

But somewhere in there it all hit the fan.

Yahoo and Twitter fell behind 3rd and 4th most traffic.

Yahoo declined, even more, dropping an additional 3%.

Facebook changed its algorithm and organic reach for publisher pages tanked by 52%.

And digital media content saw dramatically fewer views.

Plus 60% of all internet users between 18 and 34 used ad blocking technology on their desktop and devices.

This software drastically reduced publishers’ ability to get traffic to their content.

Evil ad blockers have grown at an astonishing rate, 20M users in 2009 vs 200M users in 2015.

The digital media industry lost an estimated $41.4 in advertising revenues in 2016.

Enter email marketing.

Today digital media needs a hero, so smart peeps are turning to email marketing to combat this frightening trend.

Email has nearly 3x as many user accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined.

In fact, if you combine all the posts on Facebook and Twitter each day it will equal less than 1% of the number of emails sent each day.

So, it makes sense the publishers are spending their money on email marketing to keep their readership growing versus social media or ads.

In 2016, email marketing drove 174% more conversions than social media.

Email is here to save the day for digital media.

In 2016, there were over 2.6 billion email users worldwide.

By the end of 2020, the number of email users worldwide will top 3.0 billion – that’s half the world’s population.

As email global use continues to grow and grow, visionary publishers will reap the rewards.

Wrap up

Email has been proven to be the most reliable marketing channel over and over again. Whether it’s a product or a piece of content, you’ll never go wrong if you use email. For publishers, email is the most important distribution channel you can use as your audience is already warm and engaged. This will result in higher engagement rates and more shares. The perfect recipe for driving organic traffic to your media assets.

For more in-depth insights into how you can use email to drive traffic to your media assets, check out our article on the methods media companies can use to drive website traffic.

The post How Digital Media Publishers Are Boosting Web Traffic with Email Marketing appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter Fri, 12 Jul 2019 13:00:24 +0000 // To stand out in a crowded inbox, make sure your newsletter has these ten epic...

The post 11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Email newsletters are an excellent way to enhance engagement with your brand. In fact, according to Nielsen Norman Group, 90% of consumers prefer to receive updates via an email newsletter while just 10% prefer updates on social channels.

It’s important to make sure your newsletter features all of the right content. That’s why we’re sharing eleven epic elements to make sure your newsletter includes:


11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter

1. Must-click subject line

This is the first piece of information your reader’s see, so make sure you entice them to open your message. Do this by teasing content that is inside by using humor or by asking a question.

2. Compelling preheader copy

This is the next piece of information that readers will see and should be treated as an extension of your subject line. Tease the reader a little more to entice them to open up your message to learn more.

3. Featured content

Pick one piece of outstanding content and use that as the feature at the top of your newsletter. If you are struggling to pick a featured piece, narrow down your options until you find that one piece of must-read information.

4. Eye-catching graphics

Graphics are what pulls the eye to your different pieces of content included within your newsletter. So, make sure your images and other graphics are eye-catching and serve a purpose.

5. Organized layout

Make use of a template that displays your content in blocks, similar to a newspaper. Don’t neglect other layout options such as the inverted pyramid and zig-zag layouts designed to keep the reader’s eyes moving in a given direction.

6. Minimal text

Avoid larch blocks of text. Your newsletter should include article titles and a one-sentence description for each piece of content you choose to include.

7. Clear CTAs

Use a colorful CTA that stand out and directs readers to each article. This can be done by simply using contrasting colors to make the CTA buttons pop off the page. 

8. Minimal promotions

As much as consumers would rather brands send them promotional information via email, they have also stated in recent research that they would want brands to send them more informative information. This is why your newsletter should include 90% informational content and 10% promotional. 

9. Social links

Help your readers stay in touch via social media by providing social icons to every newsletter so users can easily follow you. 

10. Preference selection

Let your subscribers tell you what content they want to receive by linking to a preference center. This helps increase the level of subscriber personalization, something your readers will thank you for. 

11. Unsubscribe option

Thanks to updated laws and regulations, all email marketing material must provide subscribers with a simple way for them to opt-out of future emails. That’s why adding an unsubscribe option to the footer of your emails is a must. 

Wrap up

Knowing how to craft a quality email newsletter is a must for email marketers. So remember, you must include:

  • An eye-catching subject line and preheader text
  • Top-quality featured  content
  • Compelling content
  • Engaging graphics
  • Clear CTA

Need some additional ideas for your next email newsletter? Then take a few minutes to check out these stand-out newsletters we’ve recently come across and let Campaign Monitor help get you started. 

The post 11 Elements of an Epic Email Newsletter appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

12 Tips Nonprofits Can Use to Get Online Donations Wed, 10 Jul 2019 23:55:53 +0000 // Help your nonprofits get donations online with these 12 tips.

The post 12 Tips Nonprofits Can Use to Get Online Donations appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Article first published in October 2017, updated July 2019.

Online donations are a boon for nonprofits and their donors. Giving online is easy, and donors can give when it’s convenient, instead of relying on direct mail or an event. 

With nearly half the world’s population online, it makes sense for nonprofits to leverage the internet to get donations online. Online giving doesn’t only simplify the process for nonprofits: Studies have shown that consumers prefer to give donations via the internet, with online giving having grown by 12.1% over the past year.

Online donor statistics

With online giving continuing to grow, it’s essential to know who’s giving and why. This can help digital marketers organize their online campaigns, targeting donors and increasing donations.

  • Online donation pages had an average 8% conversion rate on mobile devices last year.
  • Total number of transactions completed through mobile devices increased by 50%.
  • For every 1,000 fundraising emails sent, nonprofits raised an average of $42.
  • On average, nonprofits raised $1.77 through Facebook for every $100 raised through other digital channels.
  • 37% of donors who made an online contribution to a nonprofit in 2017 made a repeated contribution to that same nonprofit in 2018.
  • In 2018, 54% of females and 52% of males preferred to donate online.
  • 32% of females were most inspired to give through social media efforts, while 30% of males were inspired by an email.
  • Generation Z accounted for 2.7% of nonprofit donations, while Millennials accounted for 32% and Generation X accounted for 29.8%.

Today’s nonprofits need to ensure they can accept online donations, as well as find clever and creative ways to drive online giving. We partnered with Rob Wu, CEO and Co-founder of CauseVox to assemble 12 proven ways your nonprofit can bring in more online donations.

infographic non-profit

1. Organize your donation page.

If your website is difficult to navigate, then prospective donors are likely to move on to another nonprofit. To get donations online, make it easy to donate by creating a clean, organized donation page that’s and easy to use across multiple devices.

2. Leverage social media.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are all excellent ways to spread the word about your cause to supporters. Consider using promoted posts to engage new fans.

3. Perfect your email.

Email marketing produces substantial ROI for nonprofits. Use email to recruit volunteers, re-engage lapsed donors, fundraise, and drive attendance to your next event.

4. Optimize for mobile.

Make sure not only your emails are optimized for mobile users, but that your website is as well. This can be done by using a responsive design that is coded to look its best across a variety of different devices.

5. Embrace peer-to-peer fundraising.

Encourage loyal supporters to raise money on behalf of your organization. Facebook’s charity giving option is one popular method that has exploded in recent years.

6. Use high-quality, compelling images.

Use impactful imagery that focuses on the people and places that are influenced by your work.

7. Use website pop-ups.

Pop-ups are an effective way of collecting a prospect’s information, such as their name, email, and other pertinent information. This information can then help you to personalize your email campaigns to your readers and their needs.

8. Share valuable content.

Establish your nonprofit as an expert in your niche by creating and sending out valuable content through an email newsletter or other mediums, such as an eBook or blog.

9. Follow trends.

To better engage subscribers, capitalize on current events and upcoming holidays. If there is a way you can connect your nonprofit to a current event, do it online.

10. Create a recurring giving campaign.

Offer monthly, recurring donation opportunities to help keep donors involved and engaged throughout the year. This will also help to ensure a steady flow of income for your organization.

11. Recognize your supporters quickly and often.

Send out personalized emails or give donors a call to acknowledge their gifts. This goes a long way in showing each person how much you appreciate their efforts.

12. Update donors and prospects.

Keep getting donations online by communicating with your donors and prospects, not just about the status of the current campaign, but the overall impact of their gifts.

Wrap up

Email marketing can help to generate funds and help you keep in touch with your donors. Use email to send invitations to upcoming events, update subscribers on the health of your organization, and share how funds are used. Use these 12 tips to get more from your online fundraising this year. Check out Campaign Monitor for Nonprofits—you save 15% every day.

Want to learn more ways to increase giving through the use of email marketing? Check out our ultimate guide to nonprofit email marketing today!

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24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know Wed, 10 Jul 2019 20:21:28 +0000 // Email marketing metrics play a vital role in determining the success of a campaign.

The post 24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

Article first published in November 2017, updated July 2019.

The impact of email marketing goes way beyond getting messages into inboxes. Email marketing is about reaching your audience, all while providing relevant, personalized content.

While personalizing to each individual reader is impossible, thanks to advancements in email marketing tools, your massive subscriber list can be segmented into a variety of different categories, including:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Past Search/Purchase History
  • Personal Preferences & more

With so many digital channels available to marketing teams, it can sometimes be difficult to choose. Luckily, there’s no need to limit yourself.

As long as email marketing is one of the channels your team leverages, you’ll likely see results from your efforts. That’s why we’ve assembled an impressive collection of 24 email marketing statistics every professional should consider, especially when choosing a primary marketing channel.

In this infographic, you’ll find data-backed email marketing stats on everything from personalization, email automation to ROI, and mobile emails.

24 email marketing stats

Email personalization

  • Open rates for personalized emails average 188% compared to 12.1% without personalization – Statista
  • 94% of customer insights and marketing professionals stated that personalization is “extremely important” for meeting their email marketing objectives – Conversant Media
  • 66% of all marketers are working toward securing internal resources to execute personalized marketing programs – Conversant Media
  • Marketers have seen a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns – Campaign Monitor
  • [First Name] emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened – Campaign Monitor
  • 50% of companies feel they can increase interaction with email by increasing personalization – Experian

Marketing automation

  • Automated emails generate 320% more revenue than non-automated emails – Campaign Monitor
  • Transactional emails 8x more opens and clicks than other emails and can generate 6x more revenue – Experian
  • Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases – The Annuitas Group
  • 78% of marketers say that list segmentation is the marketing automation feature they can’t live without – Gleanster
  • Customers who receive automated abandoned shopping cart emails are 2.4x more likely to complete their purchase – Experian
  • 55% of all companies are currently using marketing automation – Emailmonday

Email ROI

  • Email marketing drives an average of $44 for every $1 spent – Campaign Monitor
  • 77% of email ROI comes from segmented, targeted and triggered campaigns – DMA
  • 87% of all marketers plan to invest more in their email marketing budget – Email on Acid
  • Automated emails drive conversion rates 180% higher than batch emails – VentureBeat
  • Email Marketing’s ROI was 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail – Chief Marketer
  • Email marketing produces an average of 174% more conversions than social media – Campaign Monitor

Mobile emails

  • The total number of worldwide mobile email users will be more than 2.2 billion by the end of 2018 – The Radicati Group
  • An average of 8 in 10 internet users will use a smartphone to access the internet on a regular basis in 2017 – eMarketer
  • Apple iPhones are the most common mobile device used to open emails for the first time, while 90% of all mobile opens occur on an Apple device – Campaign Monitor
  • 68% of companies have already integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy – Salesforce
  • The number of new smartphone subscribers is growing at a rate of more than 20% per year – Mary Meeker via TechCrunch
  • Email open rates on mobile devices grew to 68% in 2016 compared to 21% in 2012 – Campaign Monitor

Wrap up

Now that you know the many benefits of email marketing, it’s time to work on your email marketing metrics. Learn how to use them to your benefit, and gauge the success of your email marketing campaigns. Important metrics to watch include:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Deliverability rate
  • Spam rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Unsubscribe rate & more

Want to learn where your brand stands when it comes to email marketing? Compare your email marketing metrics to these industry benchmarks and see how you stack up.

The post 24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know appeared first on Campaign Monitor.
